Can you add flavor oil to chocolate?
Yes. All of Dolce Foglia's flavoring oils can be added to chocolate. Our most popular flavor to be added is the peppermint flavor.
Can you add peppermint oil to melted chocolate?
In order to properly add flavoring oil to chocolate - temperature is key. If it's too hot, the chocolate may seize, no bueno. When utilizing Dolce Foglia Peppermint flavoring oil, make sure to add the flavoring ot both chocolate layers for a double hit of flavor.
How to Add Peppermint Oil to Melted Chocolate?
Best Tips:
- Chop the chocolate. Melt it in a double boiler over medium-low heat so you don't burn it.
- Add 1 to 2 drops of peppermint oil per quarter pound of chocolate.
- If you add too much flavor to the chocolate, it can cause the chocolate to not set as hard due to the added fat content. But don't worry too much, that's a lot of flavor you'd be adding to cause the change - which is super unnecessary.
- Stir the oil into the chocolate for 1 full minute
- Lower the heat to low/medium to hold the chocolate until needed.
(It's best to add the minimum amount of flavoring and add more to taste.)
What happens when you add coconut oil to chocolate?
Since Dolce Foglia's flavors are based in organic coconut oil, after adding the flavoring oil to the chocolate, the bonus side effect is that the chocolate may appear to have a super-shiny and delicious coating.
How do you get chocolate to look shiny?
When the chocolate dries, it can appear to become more of a matte look which is also super cool and impressive when showing friends and family or gifting them...don't tell them your secret!!
Not only does coconut oil make your chocolate coating shine, but it also helps the chocolate harden.
What is chocolate tempering?
Chocolatiers utilize the method of tempering when heating and cooling chocolate to provide a proper shine and snap.
The tempering causes a reaction in the cocoa butter crystals that enables them to form to the correct size and number that will solidify with an appearance of a glossy surface, smooth and even color and no bloom.
Chocolatiers often use a tempering machine, but the process can be done by hand. All you need is an accurate thermometer.