This real gummy bear recipe is ideal for altering your own flavors and color shades. There are so many things you can do with this authentic gummy bear formula.
In this recipe, we add a single ingredient to take it passed the general homemade gummy formula. What's amazing about this formula is that it isn't required to be refrigerated - once finished and cooled down, you can pop them into a sandwich bag and eat them!
There are a few exceptional fixings in this formula that you will presumably need to purchase early however so make certain to look at the shopping list before you start.
Before you get everything rolling, get your ingredients together. You will likely have to purchase a portion of these ingredients online that can be delivered quickly.
Granulated Sugar – The main ingredient and sweetener in this recipe which you probably already have. Easy to purchase at smart and final and costco in bulk.
Glucose – Provides the gummy bears that authentic chewy texture and maintains that softness. This ingredient is replaceable with corn syrup, golden syrup or honey for a more natural option.
Sorbitol – The enchanted element for this completely finished gummy bear. You can forget about this ingredient however the gummy bears will be less soft in texture.
Gelatin – This ingredient helps cure the gummy to set and form. Other options for this ingredient is agar agar if you'd like a vegetarian option.
Citric Acid – Wildly sold in grocery stores and can be found in the canning supplies. Citric acid provides that sour taste from citrus fruits and gives gummy bears that tart flavor - if you want super sour, pump that citric acid level up!
Candy Flavoring – Dolce Foglia provides premium flavorings for candy making that is heat stable and low use rate. Our flavors come with droppers for ease of use.
The best purchase you can make are gummy bear molds. You can find a ton of different shapes on amazon that tend to come with droppers as well.
A decent scale goes a long way for measuring the ingredients for the gummies. Better to be accurate than to eye ball!
The main different devices you will require are a medium-sized pan and some food coloring to color your sticky bears.
Step 1: Making the real gummy bear formula is really basic. Empty your gelatin into your water or squeeze and mix to consolidate. Allow the gelatin to assimilate the fluid for 5 minutes.
Step 2: Mix together your sugar, corn syrup and sorbitol in your pan and cook it until it's melted. Then, once melted, include your gelatin blend and mix until it's completely liquefied. Remove the pot from the heat and mix in your citrus acid. Allow your blend to sit for 5-10 minutes so the froth can rise to the surface.
Step 3: Scoop off your foam. If you don’t scoop off the foam, it won’t go away later. I just use a spoon.
Step 4: Divide your gummy bear mixture into three bowls. I pour mine through a strainer to remove any lumps of sugar or gelatin left behind to get rid of any clumping.
Step 5: Then, include your candy flavoring. I prefer raspberry, orange creamsicle and strawberry. The flavor are accompanied with a dropper so I utilized around one full dropper for each bowl.
Step 6: Then I added in a drop of food coloring. Pink for the. strawberry, blue for the raspberry and orange for the orange creamsicle.

I splashed my mold with some pam or canola/grapeseed oil first so the gummies come out overall quite gleaming and prevents sticking to the mold. If there is too much oil or pam on the mold then just use paper towels to dab up extra oil.
All that is left to do is utilize the dropper device to fill the mold. You ought to have the gummy bears blend to fill each of the three of your molds the entire way to the top.
Put your molds into the fridge for 6-24 hours before unmolding them!
- 8 ounces (227 g) granulated sugar
- 3 Tablespoons (27 g) sorbitol
- 8 ounces (227 g) corn syrup glucose, honey or golden syrup can be substituted
- 6 ounces (170 g) cool water
- 44 grams (44 grams) KNOX gelatin about 6 packets
- 2 teaspoons citric acid
- 1 Dropper full of candy flavoring I used raspberry, strawberry and orange creamsicle punch
Step 1: Consolidate gelatin, and water in a heatproof compartment. Gently mix to blend. Let sit for 5 minutes to give your gelatin time to bloom.
Step 2: Mix together the corn syrup, sugar, and sorbitol in a pot. Mix tenderly to consolidate. Bring to a simmer over medium-high hotness.
Step 3: When simmering, wash down the sides of the saucepan with water utilizing a spotless baked good brush to ensure any wanderer grains of sugar is disintegrated completely.
Step 4: Eliminate the blend from the hotness and mix in your citrus acid and gelatin combination with a spatula until gelatin is dissolved.
Step 5: Allow the combination to sit for 10 minutes and permit the blend to clear and froth to gather at the top. After 10 minutes, the froth ought to have the option to be effectively scooped off the surface with a spoon.
Step 6: Partition your blend by stressing the fluid into three dishes and include any shading or candy flavorings that you need. I utilized pink, blue and yellow food shading.
Step 7: Pour or Spray your molds gently with oil and dab the overabundance of the spray/oil with a paper towel. Empty your mix into your molds.
Step 8: Allow your gummy bears to chill in the cooler for 6 hours until the bears are set however 24 hours is ideal. Whenever they are set they can be put away at room temperature.
If you are looking for a high-quality commercial grade recipe, please consult one of our food chemists.
How can I adapt this recipe to make maple gummie bears (using maple syrup). Would I still add maple flavoring if I use maple syrup instead of corn syrup?
I would like to consult your foor chemist on a more cormecial gummy bear recipie